Prof. Tetsuya Ogata, Dr. Eng.
Director, Institute for AI and Robotics, Future Robotics Organization, Waseda University
Joint Appointed Fellow, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, AIST
Visiting Professor, Research and Development Center for Large Language Models, NII
E-mail: ogata[at]
Google Scholar
- 2017-Current Joint Appointed Fellow, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, AIST, Japan
- 2012-Current Professor, Department of Intermedia Art and Science, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan
- 2015-2017 Invited Researcher, Artificial Intelligence Research Center, AIST, Japan
- 2009-2015 Researcher, JST PRESTO (Information Environment and Humans)
- 2005-2012 Associate Professor, Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan
- 2003-2005 Lecturer, Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan
- 2001-2003 Research Scientist, Laboratory for Behavior and Dynamic Cognition, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Japan
- 1999-2001 Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan
- 1997-1999 Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
- 2024-Current Visiting Professor, Research and Development Center for Large Language Models, NII, Japan
- 2022-Current Director, Open Innovation Promotion Section, Research Innovation Center, Waseda University, Japan
- 2021-Current Technical Advisor, Integral AI Inc., US/Japan
- 2020-Current Coordinator, Graduate Program for Embodiment Informatics, Waseda University, Japan
- 2020-Current Advisor, JST ACT-X (AI powered Research Innovation / Creation)
- 2020-Current Technical Advisor, Avatar-in Inc., Japan
- 2020-Current Director, Institute for AI and Robotics, Waseda University, Japan
- 2018-Current Advisor, IGPI TECHNOLOGY, Japan
- 2017-Current Board member, Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA), Japan
- 2016-Current Technical Advisor, Exawizards Inc., Japan
- 2020-2022 Associate Director, Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University, Japan
- 2018-2022 Associate Dean, Research Promotion Division, Waseda University, Japan
- 2017-2022 Advisor, JST PRESTO (Social Design)
- 2016-2022 Advisor, JST ACT-I (Information and Future)
- 2018-2020 Board member, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), Japan
- 2016-2018 Board member, The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), Japan
- 2013-2014 Board member, The Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ), Japan
- FA Foundation Best Paper Award, FA Foundation, Dec. 6th 2024.
- Best paper award, Advanced Robotics, International Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sept. 5th 2024.
- Best paper award nomination finalist, IEEE/SICE SII2024, Jan. 2024.
- Frontiers of Science Awards, The International Congress for Basic Science, July 20th, 2023. URL
- 2023 MEXT Award for Science and Technology
- Fellow, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), Sept. 2022.
- Fellow, The Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ), Sept. 2022.
- Best paper award, IEEE/SICE SII2022, Jan. 2022.
- Best paper award nomination finalist, IEEE/SICE SII2022, Jan. 2022.
- Best RoboCup paper award nomination finalist, IEEE/RSJ IROS2021, Sept 2021.
- Best paper award in Cognitive Robotics, IEEE ICRA2021, June 2nd 2021.
- FA Foundation Best Paper Award, FA Foundation, Dec. 13th 2019.
- Best paper award, Advanced Robotics, International Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Sept. 5th 2019.
- Certificate of Merit for ROBOMECH Outstanding Industrial Application, Robotics Mechatronics division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering (JSME), June 6th 2019.
- IBM 2017 Faculty Award, July, 2017 URL
- Best paper award, ICANN2016, Sept. 9th 2016.
- Teaching Award (President’s Award), Waseda University, 2015.
- Best paper award (Robotics), IEEE/SICE SII2011, 2011.
- NFT award on “Entertainment Robots and Systems” at the IROS2010, 2010.
- Best paper award of International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, 2010.
- NFT award on “Entertainment Robots and Systems” at the IROS2008 nomination finalist, 2008.
- RSJ/SICE Award for IROS2006 Best Paper Nomination Finalist, 2007.
- NFT award on “Entertainment Robots and Systems” at the IROS2007 nomination finalist, 2007.
- Best paper award of International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, 2005.
- Outstanding paper award from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, 2001.
- Information Processing Society of Japan
- The Robotics Society of Japan
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
- The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
- Society of Biomechanisms Japan
- Member of Domestic Committee of Advanced Robotics (2004-2022)
- Referee of ACM/ICPC Collegiate Programming Contest 2005
- Associate Editor of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IROS 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- Associate Editor of IEEE International Conference on ICRA 2007, 2008, 2018
- Member of Program Committee of IEEE International Conference on ROMAN 2007
- Member of Program Committee of International Conference on RSS 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
- Local Organizing Chair of International Conference on IEA/AIE 2007
- Member of Program Committee of International Conference on SAB 2008, 2010
- Member of Program Committee of International Conference on AIM 2011
- Member of Technical Committee at Autonomous Mental Development (AMD), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) (2011)
- Publicity Chair of International Symposium on System Integration (SII), 2011, 2016
- Local Arrangement Co-chair of IEEE International Conference on Humanoids 2012
- Member of Program Committee of International Conference on Humanoids 2012, 2015, 2016
- Publicity Chair of IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL-Epirob 2013)
- Member of Program Committee of IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL-Epirob) 2014, 2015, 2016
- Secretary General of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013)
- Committee Chair of Advanced Robotics (2013-2015)
- Action Editor of Neural Networks Editorial Board, (2017-2022)
- General Chair of IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning 2018 (ICDL-Epirob 2018)
- Bridge Chair of IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning 2019, 2021
- Senior Editor of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IROS 2019, 2020, 2021
- Area Chair of the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL2019)
- Senior Editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) (2021-current) (URL)
- Coordinator (Japanese side), MIRAI 2.0 workshop, Artificial Intelligence TEG, 2021 (URL)
- Special Chief Editor, Robot Learning and Evolution, Frontiers in Robotics & AI (2021-current) (URL)
- Special Forum Chair of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IROS 2022.
- Award Chair in Cognitive Robotics on ICRA2024
- Program Chair of IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2025)
- General Co-Chair of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on IROS 2025. (URL)
- AdCom member (At-Large), IEEE Robotics and Automation Society 2024-2026. (URL)
- Tetsuya Ogata, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Tatsuro Yamada, Shingo Murata, Kazuma Sasaki: Machine Learning for Cognitive Robotics (Chapter 9), “Cognitive Robotics”, Editor: Angelo Cangelosi, and Minoru Asada, The MIT Press, ISBN: 9780262046831, May 2022. (URL)
- Angelo Cangelosi and Tetsuya OGATA: Speech and Language in Humanoid Robots, “Humanoid Robotics: A Reference”, Editor: Ambarish Goswami, and Prahlad Vadakkepat, Springer, ISBN: 978-94-007-7194-9 (Print) 978-94-007-7194-9 (Online), December 2017. (URL)
- Tetsuya OGATA and Shigeki SUGANO: Consideration of Emotion Model and Primitive Language of Robots, Chapter 1, FLSI-Vol.3 “What should be computed to understand and model brain function? -From Robotics, Soft Computing, Biology and Neuroscience to Cognitive Philosophy-“, Editor: Tadashi Kitamura, World Scientific Publishing Co., March 2001. (URL)
- Japanese robotics lags as AI captures global attention, Nature 615, S92-S94 (2023), March 10th, 2023. DOI: 10.1038/d41586-023-00668-z (URL)
- Tetsuya Ogata “Cognitive Robotics”, IEEE Soft Robotics Podcast, July 11th, 2022. (URL)
- Cool or Creepy? Video Shows AI Robot Taught How to Open Doors, Newsweek, April 22nd, 2022. (URL)
- Robot learns to open doors by splitting the task into three easy steps, NewScientist, April 7th, 2022. (URL)
- Japanese companies develop sophisticated robots built for companionship, The Japan News, Asia News Network, March 29th, 2022. (URL)
- “Science” webinar, Personal AI-based robots as lifetime human companions, March 9th, 2022 (URL)
- Can Elon Musk and Tesla really build a humanoid robot in 2022?, NewScientist, December 30th, 2021. (URL)
- IEEE ICRA 2021 Awards (with videos and papers), Robohub, June 15th, 2021. (URL)
- An artificial neural network to acquire grounded representations of robot actions and language, Tech Xplore, May 11th, 2021. (URL)
- Robot learns to tie knots using only two fingers on each hand, NewScientist, March 26th, 2021. (URL)
- What is the Cutieroid project that develops life-size “moving figures”?, Gigazine, Feb. 9th, 2020. (URL)
- Of conferences and conversations in AI, Nature Machine Intelligence, volume 1, page445, Oct. 2019. (URL)
- Artificial intelligence: the new ghost in the machine, Engineering and Technology, 10th Oct. 2018 (URL)
- Kampai to AI! GTC Japan Celebrates Robotics Innovations, NVIDIA Blogs, 7th September, 2018. (URL)
- Video Friday: Happy Robot Holidays, AI Folding Laundry, and RoboThespian’s TED Talk, IEEE Spectrum, 22nd December 2017. (URL)
Invited Talks etc.
- Panelist: Workshop on Collecting, Managing and Utilizing Data through Embodied Robots, IEEE/RSJ IROS2024, Oct. 14th, 2024. (URL)
- Comment: Bridging the gap between AI and robotics, Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering, July 24th, 2024. DOI: 10.1038/s44287-024-00079-w (URL)
- Talk: Design of Deep Learning for Robotics and Applications, Tech Pulse Session 02, IEEE WIE SL Section in collaboration with the IEEE RAS Sri Lanka Chapter and the IEEE CIS Sri Lanka Chapter, Online, June 27th, 2024.
- Invited Talk: Deep predictive learning for robot task learning in real world, MyoSymposium’24, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2024), Yokohama, Japan, May 17th, 2024. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Implementation of deep predictive learning for multiple robot tasks (tentative), 2nd Workshop on Mobile Manipulation and Embodied Intelligence (MOMA.v2), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2024), Yokohama, Japan, May 13th, 2024. (URL)
- Keynote: Enhancing Robot Performance: Deep Predictive Learning for Adaptive Perception and Action, 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIPRob2024), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Mar. 9th, 2024 (URL)
- Plenary Talk: Dynamic adaptability in AI with active Inference for real-world robots, The 10th IEEJ International Workshop on Sensing, Actuation, Motion Control, and Optimization (SAMCON2024), Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 4th, 2024. (URL)
- Keynote: Bridging the Gap: AI’s Transition to Real-World Tasks, 4th Nobel Turing Challenge Initiative Workshop, Nihonbashi Life Science HUB (LINK-J), Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 13th, 2024. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Deep Learning for Robotics: Enhancing Adaptive Perception and Action through Predictive Models, AROB Organized Session, 29th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB) 29th, Beppu, Japan, Jan. 25th, 2024. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Predictive Coding-inspired Robotics: Advancing Adaptability through Deep Predictive Learning, Workshop on World Models and Predictive Coding in Cognitive Robotics, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2023), Detroit, US, Oct. 5th, 2023. (URL)
- Keynote: Deep Predictive Learning in Robotics: Optimizing Models for Adaptive Perception and Action, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2023), Huntington Place, Detroit, US, Oct. 4th, 2023 (URL)
- Keynote, Embodied AI with the Concept of Active Inference, International Workshop on Active Inference (IWAI2023), St Peter’s Abbey, Ghent, Belgium, Sept. 13-15, 2023. (URL)
- Plenary Talk, Deep Predictive Learning: Empowering Robots for Complex Tasks and Revolutionary Applications, SICE Annual Conference (SICE2023), Mie University, Tsu, Japan, Sept. 7th, 2023. (URL)
- Invited Talk & Panel, World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC2023), Shanghai Expo Center, Shanghai, China, July 8th, 2023.
- Plenary Talk: Applications of Deep Predictive Learning for Real-World Robots, The 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robotics (UR 2023), Hawaii Conventional Center, Honolulu, US, June 2023 (URL)
- Keynote: The State of AI Embeded Robotics: How AI (Deep Learning) is Applied to the Smart Robot (AIREC Case), AI Summit 2022 Seoul, South Korea, Dec. 7th, 2022. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Deep Predictive Learning for Humanoid Intelligence, Humanoids 2022 Joint Workshop, OIST, Okinawa, Japan, Dec. 1st 2022. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Toward Personal AI-based robots with Deep Predictive Learning, Workshop on Trends and advances in integrating machine learning and automated reasoning for intelligent robots and systems, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2022), Kyoto, Japan , Oct. 27th, 2022. (URL)
- Talk: Deep Predictive Learning for AI robots that can learn and act alongside humans, Big Challenge Forum, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2022), Kyoto, Japan , Oct. 26th, 2022. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Intelligence of Real Robots Based on Predictive Coding Principle, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science 2022, OIST, July 4th, 2022 (URL, VIDEO)
- Special Lecture: Toward Embodied Intelligence with Deep Predictive Learning and Real Robots, Neuro2022 (The Japan Neuroscience Society, The Japanese Society for Neurochemistry, The Japanese Neural Network Society), Okinawa Convention Center, July 2nd, 2022. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Neurorobotics model studies based on the policy of prediction error minimization, A JAPANESE-GERMAN CONFERENCE, Artificial Intelligence and the Human Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Science and Fiction, May 12th, 2022. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Embodied Intelligence Conference 2022, online, 23-25 March 2022. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Toward Embodied Intelligence with Predictive Learning – From Data to Experiences, 5th Workshop on Semantic Policy and Action Representations for Autonomous Robots, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2021), Online, Sept. 27th, 2021. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Deep Predictive Learning: Real-Time Motion Adaptation for Prediction Error Minimization, Virtual Workshop on Robot Learning in Real-world Applications: Beyond Proof of Concept, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2021), Online, May 31st, 2021. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Deep Predictive Learning and Robot Applications, Knowledge Based Reinforcement Learning Workshop, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Online, 9th January, 2021. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Acquisition of Representations for Linguistic-Behavioral Integration by Deep Learning Models, Workshop on Trends and advances in machine learning and automated reasoning for intelligent robots and systems (AI&R 2020), The 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020), Las Vegas, US or Online, 29th October, 2020. (URL)
- Inagural Address: Deep Learning for Robotics- From data to experiences -, Emerging Research Trends on Robotics andit’s Applications (ERTRA 2020), India-Japan Cooperative Science Programme (IJCSP), Online, Oct. 5th, 2020.
- Panelist: Workshop on Closing the Academia to Real-World Gap in Service Robotics, International Conference on Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS 2020), Online, July 13th, 2020. (URL)
- Talk: Online International Symposium on “Toward Resilient Co-creative Society in the Paradigm Change”, LINK-J, May 12th, 2020. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Deep Learning for Robot Motion Generation – Dynamic Goal Inference by Gradient Descent, Workshop on Learning Representations for Planning and Control, The 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019), Macau, China, 8th November, 2019. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Deep Learning in Robots from the perspective of Cognitive Developmental Robotics, International Symposium on Machine Intelligence for Future Society 2019, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 9th September 2019. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Deep Predictive Learning for Robot System and Application Examples, The 4th World Congress of Robotics (WCR-2019), Theme: AI and Robotics, Shenyang, China, 1st September 2019. (URL)
- Panelist: “Algorithms: Define AI for the Future”——International Frontier Algorithms Summit, World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019, Shanghai, China, 30th Aug. 2019. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Language Grounding in Robot Behavior by Deep Learning, 3rd Workshop on Language Learning at the 9th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EPIROB 2019), Oslo, Norway, 19th August 2019. (URL)
- Invited Talk:Predictive learning with deep neural network for robot systems, IoT Enabling Sensing/Network/AI and Photonics Conference 2019 (IoT-SNAP2019), Pacifico Yokohama, 24th April 2019 (URL)
- Invited Talk: Deep leaning Models for Applications in Robotics, JST-CREST / IEEE-RAS Spring School on “Social and Artificial Intelligence for User-Friendly Robots” (SoAIR 2019), Shonan Village, Japan, 20th March. 2019 (URL).
- Special Lecture: Recent and Future AI Engineering and Its Applications to Robotics, The 1st Workshop on Active Matter for Soft Robotics, Waseda University, Japan, 12th March 2019. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (EAAIC 2018), Sabah, Malaysia, 3rd to 5th Dec. 2018 (URL).
- Invited Talk: Workshop on From Robotic Dexterous Manipulation to Manual Intelligence, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots 2018, Beijing, China, 6th Nov. 2018 (URL).
- Invited Talk: Neural models for linguistic and behavioral integration learning in robots, Symposium 1 at The 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2018), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), 25th October, 2018 (URL).
- Tutorial Talk (2 hours): Deep Neural Models for Robot Systems based on Predictive Learning, The 28th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2018), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), 24th October, 2018 (URL).
- Keynote: AI Robot Technology for the Ageing Society, MIRAI Seminar 2018 Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo, 11th October, 2018. (PDF)
- Invited Talk: Recurrent Neural Models for Translation between Robot Actions and Language, Workshop on Language and Robotics, The 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018), Madrid, Spain, 1st October, 2018 (URL).
- Keynote speech: Dynamical Integration of Language and Robot Actions by Deep Learning, Second International Workshop on Symbolic-Neural Learning (SNL-2018), Nagoya Congress Center, Japan, 6th July, 2018 (URL).
- Invited talk: Emerging applications: humanoid robotics for multiple tasks and communication, VLSI Friday Forum – Machine Learning Today and Tomorrow: Technology, Circuits and System View, 2018 Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 22nd, 2018 (URL).
- Seminar talk: End to end approach for behavior generation in robot systems, OIST talk, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan, May 7, 2018 (URL).
- Invited talk: End-to-end learning for combining multiple robot actions, AIST Artificial Intelligence Research Center International Symposium ”AI collaborating with Humans in the real world”, IINO Hall & Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan, 14th February 2018 (URL).
- Invited talk: Robot Behavior Generation Based on End-to-End Learning, ETRI Workshop, South Korea, 16th November, 2017.
- Invited talk: End to End Approach for Behavior Generation and Language Understanding in Robot Systems, Workshop on “Representation Learning for Human and Robot Cognition”, 5th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2017), Bielefeld, 17th October, 2017. (URL)
- Tutorial talk: Deep Learning for Robotics toward Deep Cognitive Systems, RSJ Tutorial, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017), Vancouver, 25th Sept. 2017. (URL)
- Invited talk: Mirror neuron-like deep learning model implemented in humanoid robots, Brain Challenge 2017-the 20th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science, Seoul, 30th Aug. 2017. (URL)
- Invited talk: End to End Learning Models for Robot Object Manipulation, Workshop on “AI in Automation”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), Singapore, 2nd June, 2017. (URL)
- Invited talk: Deep Neural Models for Object Manipulation and Communication of Robots, International Symposium on Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics ~ Featuring Rolf Pfeifer’s Farewell Lecture ~, Division of Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics, Institute for Academic Osaka Initiatives (IAI), Osaka University, and MEXT KAKENHI “Constructive Developmental Science”, Osaka University, 10th March 2017. (URL)
- Invited talk: Deep Neural Models for Object Manipulation and Communication of Robots, International Symposium on Robotic and Human Cognition and Brain Development, MEXT KAKENHI “Constructive Developmental Science” No. 24119001, The University of Tokyo, 28th Feb. 2017. (URL)
- Invited talk: Robot system handling unknown objects by deep learning, Japan-France Symposium on Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence, The University of Tokyo, 12th Oct. 2016. (URL)
- Invited talk: Deep Neural Models for Multimodal Integration in Robot System, 3rd mini-symposium on Computations, Brains and Machines, RIKEN BSI, 17th Mar. 2016. (URL)
- Seminar talk: Multimodal Learning for Robot Behavior Generation utilizing Neuro-dynamical Model, Talks@ee.imperial, Imperial College London, 4th Mar. 2016. (URL)
- Invited talk: Robot Behavior Learning utilizing Deep Neural Networks, The 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics,Sankei Conference Osaka Umeda, 21st Feb. 2016. (URL)
- Invited talk: Neural Models for Behaviours and Communication of Robots, Japan-UK Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Seminar 2016,The Japanese Embassy in UK, 18th Feb. 2016. (URL)
- WS Speech: Neuro-dynamical Models for Human Robot Interaction, Workshop on “Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics”, French-Japanese-German Workshop On Human Centric Robotics), 10th June 2015. (URL)
- Seminar Talk: Self-Organizing of Body/Multi-Modal Representations in Neural Networks, KAIST, 30th May 2013.
- Keynote Speech: Active Space-Body Perception and Body Enhancement using Dynamical Neural Systems, Workshop on “Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics”, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI2013), 19th April 2013. (URL)
- WS Talk: Mutual adaptive interaction between robots and human based on the dynamical systems approach, Workshop on “Cognitive Neuroscience Robotics”, PM2-1, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent and Robots and Systems (IROS2011), 25th Sept. 2011. (URL)
- Invited Lecture:Constructivist Approach to Human-Robot Interaction from Dynamical Systems Perspective, The Third Tsinghua-Kyoto Symposium on Intelligent Technologies and Information Management for Knowledge Society, 21th Mar. 2011.
- Talk: Toward to HRI based on Neuro-dynamical System, JST-NSF Workshop on HRI (2011), USA, 30th Nov. 2010. (URL)
- Talk: Model of Tool-Body Assimilation based on Neuro-Dynamical System, JSPS-DFG Round Table on ‘Cooperative Technology in future: Cognitive Technical Systems’, Organizers: Prof. A. Iriki, Prof. Y. Kuniyoshi, Prof. M. Buss, Prof. Ritter, 9th Feb. 2010. (URL)
- WS Talk: Informatics for Interaction Emergence by Synthetic Approach with Neuro-Dynamical System, Workshop on “Synergistic Intelligence: approach to human intelligence through understanding and design of cognitive development”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent and Robots and Systems, 11th Oct. 2009. (URL)
- Invited Talk: Dynamics of Human-Robot Interaction with Robot Audition, The First Tsinghua-Kyoto Symposium on Intelligent Technologies and Information Management for Knowledge Society, 31th Aug. 2009. (URL)
- Invited Talk: A Synthetic Approach to Dynamical Systems with Symbol Processing in Multimodal Interaction, CoTeSys Spring Workshop 2009, Munich, Germany, 3rd April 2009. (URL)
- Article: Tetsuya OGATA, Hideki Kozima, and Hiroshi G. Okuno: Motion from Sound: Intermodal Neural Network Mapping, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Trends and Controversies- Dancing Robots and AI’s Future, Vol.23, No.2, pp.74-84, March 2008.
- Talk: Human Robot Interaction from the Dynamical Systems Perspective, JSPS Japanese-German Colloquium on Robotics, Munich, Germany, Nov. 2006. (URL)
- WS Talk: “Generation of the Joint Attention in the Human-Robot Interaction and Internal Represenation”, Workshop on “Sensory-motor Co-ordination in Human-Robot Interaction”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent and Robots and Systems, Oct. 2002.